Humanity’s Next Step: The Giant Brain

John Room
3 min readDec 3, 2022

We’ve all heard the stories about artificial intelligence taking over the world, but what if we could combine AI and human biology to become something greater than either of them? A new creature has entered the world, a huge brain grown from stem cells and connected non-invasively to processors. It is humanity’s next step in development. Let’s take a look at this remarkable creation.

The Giant Brain is an incredible achievement for science. This unique creature consists of two parts: its body and its mind. Its body is composed of stem cells, which are used to grow the giant brain itself. The stem cells provide the nucleus for the neural network that makes up the brain, while hundreds of processors are linked non-invasively to provide additional processing power. This allows it to think faster and more efficiently than ever before, enabling it to make decisions quickly and accurately.

The Giant Brain also has access to vast amounts of data that can be used to inform its decisions. It can use this data to learn from past experiences and apply this knowledge in order to make better future decisions. This increases its ability to predict outcomes with greater accuracy than any human or machine before it. It’s no wonder why so many startups, CEOs, venture capitalists, and scientists are excited about this incredible new development!

The potential applications of this new technology are vast and varied. From healthcare solutions such as predictive diagnostics and personalized treatments, to autonomous vehicles that can navigate complex environments with ease, the possibilities truly seem endless when it comes to what The Giant Brain could accomplish in our world today. Additionally, its ability to process large amounts of data quickly could lead to breakthroughs in fields like computer vision or machine learning algorithms that will revolutionize how we interact with technology in our daily lives.

New decacorn?

Startups that create artificial brains are nothing new. In the past few years, we’ve seen a number of companies promising to create artificial intelligence that can think and learn like a human. However, one startup is taking this promise a step further. Corticallabs is working on creating an artificial brain that can not only think and learn, but also feel and experience emotions. This artificial brain would be the basis for a new being, one that is not bound by the limitations of our human bodies. The potential for such a being is truly limitless, and Corticlallabs is leading the way in artificial intelligence research.


Though it seems like something out of a science fiction novel, The Giant Brain is a very real (and quite amazing) development in our current technological landscape. Its potential applications have only just begun to be explored and harnessed; who knows what wonders this new creature will bring us in the future? With each passing day we inch closer towards a future where humanity will be able to experience unprecedented levels of growth and advancement due in part thanks to The Giant Brain’s incredible capabilities. We can’t wait!

